Text: Philippians 2:25-30

Reflection Questions:
Deep Dive Philippians 2:25-30 Epaphroditus
1. When did you last give a character reference for a friend?

2. Who was Epaphroditus? (2:25)

3. Reflect on the following:
• Brother: The familial term denotes a deep, personal connection bound by the love of Christ, transcending biological ties.
• Fellow Worker: This speaks to Epaphroditus’s devotion to the mission of the Gospel, sharing in the labor and hardships alongside Paul.
• Fellow Soldier: Reflects the spiritual battles faced when advancing the cause of Christ. The term signifies resilience and courage in faith.
What does being a “brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier” look like in your life today in a society where self-interest often takes center stage?

4. Why did the Philippians send Epaphroditus to Paul? (2:25)

5. How did Epaphroditus feel about his friends in Philippi? (2:26)

6. What happened to Epaphroditus? (2:26–27)

7. Why could Paul count on Timothy and Epaphroditus?

8. This week, how can you look out for the interests of the Lord rather than your own interests?

9. Is there someone in your life that you seek to imitate? Have you expressed your gratitude to them for being a role model?

10. Think of one or two things that you have learned that you’d like to work on in the coming week. Remember that this is all about quality, not quantity. It’s better to work on one specific area of life and do it well than to work on many and do poorly (or to be so overwhelmed that you simply don’t try).